IUPUI First Semester Introductory Physics
WarmUps Puzzles What is Physics Good For? LabPreps
IUPUI Second Semester Introductory Physics
WarmUps Puzzles What is Physics Good For? LabPrep
Warmups for other physics courses
Thermal Physics at IUPUI Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics at USAFA
Classical Mechanics at USAFA Quantum Mechanics at Davidson College
Classical Mechanics and Davidson College Mathmatical Methods at Davidson College
Astronomy at Davidson College Electromagnetic Theory I at USAFA
Electromagnetic Theory II at USAFAModern Physics at Brigham Young University
Optics at USAFAYour Warmups here?!

Note: Page and equation numbers refer to Hecht "Optics", 4th edition

I would be grateful to anyone interested in sharing
additional warmups for the courses above,
or for new courses not yet covered!