Lesson 31
Cross Section, Rutherford Scattering

Name:faculty Section:M2 Start Time:21:1:18 Instructor:pate Course:355

1) Suppose you want to scatter particles of known mass m and known initial speed uo off of a mystery target. Suppose also that you know something about the force F(r) with which the incoming particles interact with the target particles. What steps would you take in order to determine an expression for the differential cross section s(q)? A numbered list of the steps with a brief explanation of what each step is and how you would complete it is all you need write... you needn't actually do any of the steps.

2) Make an estimate for the total scattering cross section of particles in a material composed of Silicon atoms. Please state your assumptions. You should end up with a numerical value for your estimate.

3) Which of the following is not true about the Rutherford scattering formula?

  1. It holds only for attractive inverse square force dependencies
  2. It, a classical result, is the same as the quantum mechanical result.
  3. It depends on the inverse of the quantity sin(q/2) raised to the fourth power.
  4. It has a minimum value for q=p.

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