Physics 201 Daily Exercises

Daily Assignment 2/8 (Due Thursday 2/10):

k1=    k2=    kbetween=  

  1. Determine the normal modes of the system with three springs and two masses (both of 1 kg).  There are two.

You can (but do not have to) change the spring constants.  As set up the two masses are weakly coupled (since kbetween is small in comparison to the spring constants of the springs the masses sit on).  You can drag each ball (ball 1 and/or ball 2) out of equilibrium, the press play to watch the motion.  Keep the default spring constants.  Use the "set values and reset masses" button to get you back to equilibrium position or to change the spring constants. 

First set values (optional), then drag the masses into position, and then press play to see the animation.

Hint: there are two normal modes. 
You know when you have found them as they are like "diagonalizing" a matrix:
you get very simple looking modes.

Answer in the form below, a short answer for each is fine. 
This report is due by 8:00 am Thursday morning.

Your Name:


For this assignment, I was:  of my answers.