Waves can experience the following effects. Which of these are also possible with particles? (I'm asking this so we can find those effects which are not possible with particles and will therefore unambiguously identify an effect as a wave effect.)
  1. refraction
  2. diffraction
  3. interference
  4. reflection

Using De Broglie's model. What would be the angular momentum of the lowest energy orbital in hydrogen?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. ħ/2
  4. ħ
  5. ER/aB

What would be the angle in degrees of the first electron diffraction peak in the Davisson/Germer experiment for 54 eV electrons going through a nickel crystal? Assume the interatomic spacing in nickel is about 0.25 nm.
  1. 23 degrees
  2. 32 degrees
  3. 42 degrees
  4. 83 degrees
  5. none of the above

Use the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle to estimate k for the ground state wave function in hydrogen. In other words, assuming the position of the electron is uncertain to within two Bohr radii, what is the range of values of k you would expect?
  1. 0.5 nm-1
  2. 5 nm-1
  3. 50 nm-1
  4. 1240 nm-1
  5. 197 nm-1

The time/frequency form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty relation is reflected in the natural line width of atomic spectra. The strong orange line emitted by sodium atoms has a lifetime of 6.1 ns. What is the frequency width of this line?
  1. 80 Hz
  2. 80 MHz
  3. 320 kHz
  4. 320 MHz
  5. 160 MHz