Let (x(t),y(t),z(t)) describe the location at time t of a projectile as seen from the coordinate system origin on the surface of the Earth. If you were to launch a projectile at some elevation angle in the due South direction, what approximations do you think would be reasonable to make about the first derivatives of x(t), y(t), and z(t)?

2) There is a Foucault (pronounced "foo-koh") pendulum at the Science Museum of Virginia. According to information the museum provides about their Foucault pendulum, it has a cord that is about 29 meters long and its direction of swing changes by about 9.2 degrees per hour. Use this information to estimate the period of the pendulum's swing and the approximate latitude of the museum.
If there were an identical pendulum set up in Santa's workshop at the North pole, what would be the same and what would be different?

3) Suppose you want to make yourself one of those smooth, crushed-ice and fruit slurpee drinks. You put everything into the blender and turn it on. Which choice best describes an expression for the effective force on a small chunk of orange in the mixture?

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