"What is
Physics Good For?"
Extra credit is available at the end of this
page. Please respond before 9 AM, Monday, December
11th, 2000.

The human eye is relatively simple front end of a
remarkable signal processing system. The eyeball is
light tight sphere, about an inch in diameter, with
an opening in front which admits variable amounts
of light depending on the size of the pupil, the
opening in the iris. The iris is located just
behind the front surface of the eyeball. Light passes
first through the cornea, the transparent part of
the eyeball, which is acts as a converging lens.
Light is further converged by the eye lens which is
a multilayered biconvex disc. The cornea-lens
system is designed to form a real image on the back
surface of the eyeball, the retina. The lens is
encased in the grasp of a set of muscles (called
the ciliary muscles) which can sequeeze it and
thereby change its curvature. This mechanism
provide the fine tuning that allows the cornea-lens
system to form a sharp image on the retina for a
range of object distances while the image distance
remains fixed.
The white of the eye, the sclera, and the
transparent part of the eye, the cornea, are
basically the same kind of tissue. The cornea
contains no blood vessels and is relatively
dehydrated. The outside eyeball surface is bathed
in tears, the inner surfaces of the cornea and the
sclera are bathed by a clear fluid called aqueous
The iris is a disc behind the cornea with a
variable opening. The opening is not under
voluntary control. It is adjusted by the nervous
system in response to the light intensity. The
control is disabled by eye physicians when they try
to see into the interior of the eye during an eye
characteristic color of the eyes comes from the
pigment in the iris. The pigment from which the
iris gets its color is called melanin. The is the
same pigment that colors our hair and skin. It is
the density and location of the melanin particles
that determine the "color" of the eye. Deep brown
eyes and light sky blue eyes use exactly the same
The back of the eye is coated with a complex,
light sensitive tissue called the retina. The
retina develops directly out of brain tissue and is
the first layer of the complex signal processing
system we possess. The processing starts at the
retina with its array of 120 million rods (sensors
for dim light) and about 6 million cones (sensors
for bright light.) 
These pigmented detectors enable us to distinguish
about 200 hues.
From the retina electrical pulses are carried by
optical nerves to the visual cortex where the
sensation of "seeing" is produced. "Seeing" is a
complex proccess, under imtense study by researcher
who are interested in information processing.
More than half of the population have less than
perfect vision. A "perfect" eye is able to form
sharp image on the retina for object distances that
range from infinity (the stars) to a very short
distance from the eye (called the near point). Such
an eye is also capable of processing very dim light
(essentially one photon per receptor) to very
intense light (a bright, sun lit snow scene.) The
"perfect" eye can "see" two point sources as
distinct if the light rays from these sources for
an angle of one minute!! of arc at the eyeball.
"perfect" eyes must come with a perfect nervous
system which fuses the signals from the two retinas
into a single processed images which is perceived
to be three dimensional. Information from this
perceived image has to interact with the part of
the nervous system that controles movement so that
we can successfully reach for objects and walk
without bumping into things. Even such a perfect
system can be fooled by its own processing and
present us with various visual illusions. (They are
not optical illusions. The optics is OK, it's the
processing that is too simplistic and refuses to
accept the fact that your face is really not on the
other side of the mirror.)
The eye, as an optical system, has a range of focal
distances which are determined by the curvature of
the lens since the curvature of the cornea is
fixed. In a normal eye the lens can change the
effective focal length of the eye by as much as 15
diopters. This process is known as
It is not uncommon that an eyeball comes equipped
with a particular cornea-lens set which is too
long. That is, the eyeball is longer than the
longest attainable focal length. The idea of a
"prefect" eyeball is that the retina is exactly at
the focal plane of the cornea-lens optical system.
That means that parallel ligth rays (coming from a
far star) focus on the retina. If the eyeball
is longer than the longest attainable focal length,
then parallel light does not come to a focus at the
retina and the image of a far-away star is a disc
rather than a point. The star is seen as "blurred".
the eye looks at closer objects the image distances
increase, the eye can handle that and the images
are sharp. Such eyes are called myopic or
nearsighted. Myopia can be corrected with diverging
lenses placed in front of the eye or by the
reshaping of the cornea.
Follow the links at the end of this narrative for
more information.
see objects that are located close to the eye, the
focal length of the eye has to shorten. (Recall the
lens equation. To form a sharp image for various
values of the object distance and a fixed image
distance, f has to change.) Most people can squeeze
the lens enough to obtain sharp images for objects
that are about 10 inches away. Some myopes can even
do much better than that. As the eye ages, the
ability of the lens to flex diminishes. The eye
loses its power to accomodate. Since the lens loses
its ability to form short f's, the ability to see
close objects is lost. This is known as
The following chart shows how the abilty to adjust
the focal length gets progressively worse with age.
The horizontal axis represents the age, the
vertical axis represents the range of diopters that
the lens can add to the system. Note that at age 75
the eye is a fixed focal length system, good for
only one object distance. If this used to be a
"perfect" eye, the remaining object distance is
infinity. If this is a myopic eye, the remaining
object distance is the old far point. This chart by
the way, is one of the most unbeatable tools to
determine a person's age. There is no way to fake
poor accomodation. Presbyopia is corrected with a
set of converging lenses (or glasses.) Since the
accomodation is at fault, different lenses are
needed for different distances. A typical number is
two. Reading glassed and distance glasses, or a
two-part lens (a bifocal.)
It is not uncommon to enecounter an eye that does
not focus all parallel rays through the same point.
Rays in different planes focus through different
points. This condition is known as
astigmatism. It is corrected by a lens that has
a similar "defect" as the eye but in the other
The last imperfection mentioned here has to do with
the transparency of the lens. For various reasons,
ranging from trauma to aging, the lens looses its
opacity as the tissue in the lens crystalizes. This
is known as cataract. The word cataract
means waterfall. Looking through such a lens
resembles looking through falling water. The
correction requires that the lens be removed.
People who had cataract surgery in the past had to
wear thick glassses. Today the original lens is
replaced by a polymer lens know as an intraocular
implant (IOL) shown on the left. The object to the
left of the lens is a wooden match.
Thanks to the Phys
251 students at IUPUI who donated eyes for this
You can get a lot more information about this
subject on the internet. Here are a few search
1. Alta Vista
3. Northern Light
4. Ask Jeeves
5. Infoseek
And here are a few good links to get you
The Anatomy of the Eye:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Correcting Vision:
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 
Some History:
1. 2. 
The Science of Vision
1. 2. 3.

Insect Vision:
1. 2. 
Questions (1 point extra credit each!)
- Myopic and presbyopic people without
glasses see better in very bright light, which
makes the eye pupil constrict. Why is
- What is radial keratotomy?
- What is photorefractive keratectomy?
- People with IOL implants lose the ability
to accomodate? What is done to help them?
This site is made possible by
funding from the National Science Foundation
(DUE-9981111). ©2001 A. Gavrin and G. Novak, all rights reserved.