


Why PER?

PER basics

Learning Styles

Best Practice

What is JiTT?

Constructing a WarmUp

WarmUp results

Thermo Example

Interactive Lecture

Asking Questions

Asking More

Additions to JiTT


Affective results

Cognitive results



What is JiTT?

  1. Finish preparation for lectures just before class(?)
  2. Presenting new ideas only just when motivated/needed by students
  3. Presenting information as students need it for applications
  4. Getting information about student understanding (via questions) before class starts
  5. Having students do exercises just before class, to focus on the concepts to be dealt with that day
  6. Being able to tailor your lecture to help students dispell misconceptions
  7. Students actually read text before class, answer a series of questions before class. Lecture is adjusted based on student difficulties.