


Lab Prep

Course Information


Homework Server


"Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plague"

-- William Safire


Course Announcements - 5/9/11
  • I want to thank everyone for a great semester! This was a great class, and you all helped to create it.
  • The final exam has been graded. Class average was 216 (72%), fantastic!
  • The final update to the credit check has been posted. Everything is included except the final exam (see above).
  • Please read the course information sheet, syllabus, assignment sheet, and objectives, on the information page.
  • Here are a few hints for doing well in Physics 25100.
  • A few more hints about doing well in college
  • Interested in doing a honors option for this class? There are many possibilities!


Other News
  • Science news: For up-to-date and technically accurate information on the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, I recommend a blog maintained by the graduate students in Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT.
  • And for newly updated information on radiation dose levels, see this posting from XKCD author Randall Munroe
  • Science History: April 30, is the birthday of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). Gauss's contributions to physics and astronomy were among the most important of his time. They are overshadowed only by his contributions to mathematics, were are among the most important of any time.
  • Technology History: On May 1, 1888, Nikola Tesla was awarded 6 patents for AC motors, generators and power transmission technology.

Alan Shepard and the flag during the Apollo 14
mission, 1971, courtesy of NASA.
At 630 feet, the Gateway Arch, in St. Louis, Missouri, is tallest monument in the US. The Wahington Monument is 555 feet, and the Statue of Liberty is only 305 feet.

This site is made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation (DUE-9981111).

©2011 A. Gavrin, all rights reserved.