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Homework Server


Suggested Online Physics Resources

There are many resources you can turn to to help you learn in in Physics 25100. these include traditional resources such as the textbook, instructor's office hours, and lectures. There is also this web site, the chat and forumns in Oncourse, and the Quest site. In addition to all of this, we have identified a number of online resources that can help you learn. We may point you to these specifically at times, but you are always free to explore these resources on your own. Depending on your learning style, you may find some of these more to your liking than others. Please explore, and please try these out at different times in the semester.

  1. The hyperphysics site, written by C. Rod Nave, provides concept maps of this semester's subjects (plus more physics). The concept maps are linked to brief summaries of the topics covered, all hyperlinked to one another.
  2. The Physlets site at Davidson College provides a large number of Java applets that simulate various aspects of physics. They allow you to "play" with physical systems to get a better feel for how they work, and how they relate to the mathematical models we use. There is much more here than we will use in our course, and there are some cubjects that are not covered. I strongly suggest that you work with the following, though:
    Electric fields and potentials
    Magnetic fields
    AC Circuits
    Faraday's Law
  3. MIT open courseware has many features. The spring of 2002 semester lectures were given by Walter Lewin, an extraordinary lecuturer. All of these lectures are available on video. There are sample tests, homework with solutions, and other useful information as well.
  4. The PhET site also has many simulations of physics. This site, hosted by the University of Colorado, uses different technology than the Physlets site, but the results are similar. My favorites for 251 are
    • Charges and fields
    • Battery-resistor circuit
    • Resistance in a wire
    • Circuit construction kit (DC only)
    • Magnets and electromagnets
    • Circuit construction (AC and DC)
    • Faraday's electromagnet lab
    • Gas Properties
  5. Michigan State has a library of physics applets as well. Most are not too complicated, but they illustrate one or two concepts well.
  6. Another E field Applet

This site is made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation (DUE-9981111).

©2011 A. Gavrin, all rights reserved.