


Lab Prep

Course Information


Homework Server


The Top Ten Methods for
Doing Well in 25100

10. NO CRAMMING! Studies have shown that people learn best when they spread out thier study time. Ideally, you would work on physics for 1 hour at a time, about 10 times per week.

9. Always work with the variable names. Do not put in numbers for variables, constants, etc., until the last line of your solution.

8. Learn to check your answers. The crucial methods are to make sure the units are correct, and to check "limiting cases."

7. Make sure you lead your recitation group some of the time. Don't be the "calculator guy."

6. Form study groups. The best way to learn is to discuss new material with others, and the surest test of understanding is your ability to explain to your peers.

5. Work to understand the subject. Getting a correct answer isn't the end of your job. Try to figure out why your method worked and what other problems that method would be good for.

4. Always stay at least one week ahead in reading the text. If possible, get one class ahead in the homework.

3. Come to all of the lectures and recitations. Even on a bad professor will usually say something important.

2. Ask questions: Come to visit faculty if you are confused, ask questions if you don't understand something in lecture, and make sure that your fellow students explain their methods to you in recitation (see #6).

...and the Number One method for doing well in 25100...

Do EVERY homework and test preparation problem.

This site is made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation (DUE-9981111).

©2010 A. Gavrin, all rights reserved.