Please type your Student ID Number: (Important!)
Please type your LAST name, and FIRST initial or first name:
Please type in a 'nickname': (In case your answer is used in class)

The following three questions refer to material you were to read in preparation for class (Bioinquiry pp 55-75). These questions require you to write a three or four sentence response. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but STATE WHY you are confused! (Don't just say 'I don't know' - you probably DO!) Each WarmUp worth 6 points if answered on time and must be submitted via the web.

Warm Up 1 responses,Warm Up 2 responses,Warm Up 3 responses, Warm Up 4 responses, Warm Up 5 responses, Warm Up 6 responses, Warm Up 7 responses, Warm Up 8 responses, Warm Up 9 responses, Warm Up 10 responses, Warm Up 11 responses, Warm Up 12 responses, Warm Up 13 responses, Warm Up 14 responses.

QUESTION 1: In Mendel's original experiments with purple and white pea flowers, why were only purple flowers seen in the F1 generation? Why was there a 3:1 ratio of purple:white in the next generation (the F2)?

QUESTION 2: If you and your spouse are carriers for sickle cell disease (Ss), that means that you have a 25% chance (1 in 4 chance) of producing a child with sickle cell disease (ss - if both of you donated the recessive allele in the egg and sperm). If you have 4 children, does this mean that one of then WILL have sickle cell disease? Why or why not?

QUESTION 3: What do you think makes a gene a 'dominant' gene? What makes a gene a recessive gene?

QUESTION 4: Hope you had a great break! Any questions, comments, suggestions? (like another week off, perhaps..?! Just kidding)

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button. You will receive a "THANK YOU" page as a confirmation that your response has been sent to me.
