Yes, it's the last Warm Up! You made it!
WARM UP #14: Human Population Growth / AgBiotech
With selected student responses

QUESTION 1: Even if the world were to achieve ZPG (zero population growth) today, the human population will continue to grow (not level off) for more than 60 years. Why?

From Ang: Q1 = Because of all the young people around today who will one day reach reproductive age.

From AS: Q1 = IF the world achieved ZPG today the human population would continue to grow for more than 60 years because of the youth of the population. Since the youth can not reproduce yet we have to expect that when they are old enough to reproduce they will.

QUESTION 2: If you were eating genetically modified (GM) food, would you know it from reading a food label? Or do you think you are already eating genetically modified foods right now? How do you think genetically modified food is regulated and tested for saftey?? Please read the notes before answering this question!

From Jennay Q2 = I don't think that they always tell you if your food has been genetically altered. I know that we are already eating genetically altered food such as corn. They better be testing modified food for safety!!!

From LT: Q2 = I don't think you can tell what foods are genetically modified by just reading the label. I don't think the companies want you to know that. Yes, I do think we are already eating (GM) food. Until I read the notes I didn't know baby food and formula was (GM). It is tested by USDA, EPA,although the FDA does not require the food to be tested they do want them to consult with them before it goes on the market.

From SP: Q2 = If you were eating GM food you wouldn't necessarily know it because labeling is voluntary. I know that I'm eating GM food now after reading the notes (Morning Star products)! The EPA tests the crops to make sure they are fit for human consumption.

From DH Q2 = I don't think you would know if you are eating GM food. I've never seen that particular code on any product label or a label on produce. I think we are already and have been eating GM foods for a very long time. I think it is tested by the USDA. Also the EPA and FDA can also be a part of testing for safety.

QUESTION 3: If world production of food were to increase such that there was more than enough food for all the people on the planet, why would 40,000 people still die of starvation every day? Please read the notes before answering this question!

From AA: Q3 = 40,000 people would still die of starvation each day because economics, politics,war, and poverty are still going to be around. Lack of food being the main reason for world hunger is just a part of the story. The things mentioned above a big reason for the problem also.problem of some people can't afford to buy the food the need to survive.

From JS: Q3 = The reason for people still starving to death is because of politics, war, money, and much more. The bottom line is that if the people do not have the money or access to the food they will die.That is Sick!

From Ash: Q3 = World hunger isn't caused by scarcity of food. It is caused by limited access to food, or not having enough money to buy food.

From RV: Q3 = The production of food is only part of the starvation problems that we have in the world today. It is not just a matter of producing food. If you have the money to by the food great, if not then you starve. But it is also a matter of politics, lack of nutritional knowledge, medical treatment, clean water, sewage treatment and other things that contribute to the starvation of the world. So many other factors play a part rather than just food. If it were just food, the answer would be simple but there are countries that can't afford to buy the food they can't grow. These countries may not be able to grow food because of the climate and environment of the place they live. They may not be able to buy the seeds needed to grow the crops for eating. Starvation is SO MUCH MORE COMPLICATED that just simply having enough food.

From Dr. Marrs: Thanks for all your thoughtful comments on this issue. Sadly, we already produce more than enough food for all the people on the planet, yet 40,000 people around the world die DAILY from starvation and the effects of malnutrition (some estimates even go as high as 100,000 people per day...). Parts of the world fare worse that others - today in Sudan, millions of people are facing (or dying from) the multiple hardships of poverty, starvation, drought, and the longest uninterrupted civil war in history.

If you are feeling bad about all this (and it is hard not to feel bad about it!), remember that you CAN make a difference - get involved by staying current in world events by reading your favorite magazine, newspaper, etc, or by making donations of your time or money (depending on which you have more of!!!) to organizations in Indianapolis (like the Wheeler Mission), the US or the world (Oxfam International, UNICEF) that are involved in alleviating the root causes of poverty. Even making a temporary donation (holiday food drives, serving in the Wheeler Mission Soup Kitchen, etc) WILL make a difference to the people who had a good meal that day thanks to you!!!

QUESTION 4 Comments or questions before Exam 4? Other suggestions, comments, parting thoughts, summer plans, grumpy complaints (justified or unjustified), lighthearted jokes, etc...put em here! Any topics you are really disappointed we did not cover? Any topics you wish we had never covered and hope to never hear of again? Hope you had a great semester!!!!

Thanks for all your comments (and jokes!)
Yes, I will put a practice exam up!
You don't have to notify me about re-takimg a test. I'll bring enough so that everone who wants to can re-take their lowest exam!!!
The Final is not cumulative
I had a great time in class & glad if you did too!!!!!
What do you mean, photosynthesis and respiration is dry & boring!!!!????!!!
