Please type your Student ID Number: (Important!) Please type your LAST name, and FIRST initial or first name: Please type in a 'nickname': (In case your answer is used in class)
The following three questions refer to material you were to read in preparation for class, pages 121-127 and the web notes. These questions require you to write a three or four sentence response. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but try and state why you are confused! Each WarmUp worth 6 points if answered on time and must be submitted via the web.
Warm Up 1 responses,Warm Up 2 responses,Warm Up 3 responses, Warm Up 4 responses, Warm Up 5 responses, Warm Up 6 responses, Warm Up 7 responses, Warm Up 8 responses, Warm Up 9 responses, Warm Up 10 responses, Warm Up 11 responses, Warm Up 12 responses, Warm Up 13 responses, Warm Up 14 responses.
QUESTION 1: Why do cells undergoing mitosis require one set of divisions, but cells undergoing meiosis require 2 sets of divisions? What is the end result of meiosis?
QUESTION 2: A common error in meiosis in an egg (or a sperm) can result in trisomy, in which each somatic cell of the of baby has 3 copies of one particular chromosome. Trisomy 21 is when an individual has not 2 but 3 copies of Chromosome 21 in every one of their cells. Trisomy 21 is also called Down Syndrome. This is not in the book - but what do you think happens in meiosis that would result in 3 copies of Chromosome 21 in an embryo? Do you think there are other trisomys in humans?
QUESTION 3: Chemicals such as alcohol and nicotine can be teratogens. What are teratogens and why are they so dangerous for a developing baby? What does the name teratogen mean? How can heat (like from a fever or use of a hot tub in early pregnancy) be a teratogen?
QUESTION 4: Totally Optional: Do you think the material we discuss in class has relevance to your future career? For instance, if you are planning on becoming a teacher? A lawyer? Or to your life - are you learning things about 'you' and the world around you that you didn't know before? Or you just hoping to get through the material in this class so that you never have to think about biology again!?!?! : - ) Any other comments?
You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button. You will receive a "THANK YOU" page as a confirmation that your response has been sent to me.