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Please type in a 'nickname': (In case your answer is used in class)

The following three questions refer to material you were to read in preparation for class (Chapter 2). These questions require you to write a three or four sentence response. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but try and state why you are confused! Each WarmUp worth 6 points if answered on time and must be submitted via the web.

Warm Up 1 responses,Warm Up 2 responses,Warm Up 3 responses, Warm Up 4 responses, Warm Up 5 responses, Warm Up 6 responses, Warm Up 7 responses, Warm Up 8 responses, Warm Up 9 responses, Warm Up 10 responses, Warm Up 11 responses, Warm Up 12 responses, Warm Up 13 responses, Warm Up 14 responses.

QUESTION 1: Cells are generally microscopic, ranging in size from about 50 microns for animal cells to as small as 1 micron for bacterial cells. Why do you think that cells - animal, plant, or bacteria - don't get any bigger than this? Why do you think we are made of 75 trillion very small cells, rather than just a bunch of very large cells?

How do you think cells become specialized for their function? For instance, we all started our life as one single fertilized egg cell, but within weeks or months of conception, we had liver cells, heart cell, brain cells, muscle cells. How does one cell give rise to many cells with many different functions??

: In what cells of your body would you expect to find a lot of mitochondria? Why?

QUESTION 4: Totally Optional: Please provide any commemts about the class - likes, dislikes, suggestions, glowing praise (just kidding).

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button. You will receive a "THANK YOU" page as a confirmation that your response has been sent to me.
