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Please type your LAST name, and FIRST initial or first name:
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The following three questions refer to material you were to read in preparation for class (Bioinquiry pp 55-75). These questions require you to write a three or four sentence response. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but STATE WHY you are confused! (Don't just say 'I don't know' - you probably DO!) Each WarmUp worth 6 points if answered on time and must be submitted via the web.

Warm Up 1 responses,Warm Up 2 responses,Warm Up 3 responses, Warm Up 4 responses, Warm Up 5 responses, Warm Up 6 responses, Warm Up 7 responses, Warm Up 8 responses, Warm Up 9 responses, Warm Up 10 responses, Warm Up 11 responses, Warm Up 12 responses, Warm Up 13 responses, Warm Up 14 responses.

QUESTION 1: Dolly the sheep is a genetic twin, or clone, of a sheep that was born 6 years earlier than Dolly. Read the material for today. Does Dolly have parents? If so, who were her genetic parents? Is Dolly a "virgin birth"?

QUESTION 2: What is wrong with the thinking that if we were ever to clone a person, like Einstein, a brilliant physicist, we would end up with another brilliant physicist?

QUESTION 3: Can you think of a way that a person's genetic information might be used to discriminate against them for employment or insurance coverage? Give an example. How might employers or insurance companies obtain this knowledge?

QUESTION 4: Comments, questions, and totally optional: Can you think of any movies that center around cloning, or are based around DNA in some way? If so, what is the 'take-home message' of that movie?

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button. You will receive a "THANK YOU" page as a confirmation that your response has been sent to me.
