HOME -> JiTT Resources -> A JiTT Sampler
Learning technologies should be designed to increase, and not to reduce, the amount of personal contact between students and faculty on intellectual issues.
(Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education, 1984)

A JiTT Sampler: Examples From Various Disciplines

Contemporary Biology JiTT Materials (Kathy Marrs, IUPUI)

JiTT Biology Materials (WarmUps, Good Fors)

WarmUp questions with links to selected student responses to those questions

WarmUp analysis examples:

Environmental Engineering Eileen Cashman and Beth Eschenbach, Humboldt State University

Cashman and Eschenbach paper

Earth Sciences (Laura Guertin, Penn State, Delaware County)

Earth sciences warmups

Physics Warmup Archive

Earth sciences warmups

Full JiTT sites

The IUPUI IntroPhysics Site

More JiTT sites to browse

WebScience at IUPUI