Satellites Everywhere...
"Watching over You"
Homework Quiz
Lesson Objectives:
Be able to show how Kepler's third law (FOR A CIRCULAR ORBIT) can be derived using Newton's second law and the law of gravitation.
Be able to calculate the period and altitude of geostationary satellites.
Know and understand how Kepler's three laws of planetary motion are applications of Newton's second law and conservation of angular momentum.
Be able to apply Newton's second law and conservation of angular momentum to ANALYZE problems involving the orbit of an object about a star or planet.
Be able to compare different kinds of satellite orbits, and understand why certain types of satellites require certain orbits.
Thinking About Satellites...
GPS satellites
Geostationary satellites
Orbit Explorations
Finding the Mass of the Sun
Discovering a New Planet
Explaining Spying Orbits
Challenge Sidetrip: When do we have Winter?
NASA Orbital Theory
Polar Orbits
Angular Momentum Review
Centripetal Force Review
Universal Gravitation Review
Kepler's Laws
Kepler's Laws
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