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Physics 416/517: Problem Set #3

Due by 5 PM Friday, February 14th, 2003

Problems 1-6:
Reif, Problems 3.1-3.6

Problem #7 (517 and Honors only):
This problem deals with a system consisting of N weakly interacting quantum harmonic oscillators, with total energy E. The energy of these oscillators is given by


The number of microstates of this system is the same as the number of ways of arranging M indistinguishable objects in N distinguishable bins. This is

Using this, find expressions for

  1. The entropy in terms of N and M
  2. The energy in terms of N and T
  3. The probability p(n) that the ith oscillator has quantum number ni=n.

©2003 A. Gavrin, all rights reserved.