Course Information

 WarmUp Exercise



 Bulletin Board

Physics 416: Thermal Physics/517 Statistical Physics

Instructor: Andy Gavrin

Text: Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physicsby F. Reif


  • The course syllabus and homework pages have been completed. All remaining homework assignments are available.
  • Here are some possible paper topics for 517 students. If you have other topics that you would like to pursue, please check with me first.
    1. Fermi-Dirac statistics in neutron stars
    2. Thermodynamics of black holes
    3. Finite-size scaling
    4. Monte Carlo methods
    5. Entropy and information theory
    6. Landau-Ginsburg theory of superconductivity
    7. Bose-Einstein Condensates
    8. Boltzmann's H-Theorem
    9. Superfluidity of liquid helium
    10. Renormalization Group theory
    11. Elementary transport theory
    12. Thermodynamics of any real device: refrigerators, air conditioners, gas or diesel engines, power plants, etc.

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