Chapter 9.4 Puzzle

This assignment is due 48 hours after the Chapter Test is given.

  • Puzzle solutions are due by 5:00 PM two days after the Chapter Test.
  • Puzzles are worth 10 points of extra credit each.
  • Answers must be accompanied by valid reasoning. Just like the tests, the answer alone isn't enough!
  • Please enter your solution in the text area at the bottom of this page. DON'T FORGET TO GIVE YOUR NAME!


"Homer's Blood Pressure"

The volume of blood that passes through a cross-section of an artery (of radius R, with pressure difference P) per unit time is given by the formula

( is the length of the artery and is viscosity of the blood - both are assumed constant). F is often called the flux. High blood pressure results from constriction of the arteries. As the radius of the arteries shrinks, the blood pressure needs to increase to maintain a constant flux. Suppose and are the initial radius and the initial pressure. Then the flux is . If the pressure and radius at some other time are P and R, then the flus is . Using the fact that flux must remain constant, determine an expression for P in terms of R, , and . As the years go by, the diameter of Homer's arteries is given by , where t is the number of years from the present.

1. What is Homer's blood pressure in terms of his original blood pressure 10 years from now?

2. Homer's doctor would like to perform angioplasty to enlarge the arteries when his blood pressure has doubled. When will this happen?


Don't forget to explain your answer as clearly as possible.


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