WARM UP #4 IS DUE BEFORE 9:30 AM WEDNESDAY, February 7, 2001

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The following three questions refer to material you were to read in preparation for class (BioInquiry: Ch 5 , p. 136 - 142, Ch 6, 145 - 155). These questions require you to write a three or four sentence response. It is OK to answer 'I don't know' - but try and state why you are confused! Each WarmUp worth 6 points if answered on time and must be submitted via the web.

Warmup 1 responses, Warmup 2 responses, Warmup 3 response

QUESTION 1: DNA is a double-stranded molecule, meaning that each DNA molecule contains two strands of DNA running in opposite directions. Why do you think it is advantageous for the cell to maintain DNA as a double stranded molecule rather than a single-stranded molecule?

QUESTION 2: QUESTION 2: What happens if DNA is damaged? Do you think that this is something that occurs a lot in our cells, or only infrequently? What do you think are some things in the environment that cause damage and changes (mutations) in DNA?

QUESTION 3: Rosalind Franklin collected X-ray data crucial to the discovery of DNA's structure. However, she is hardly mentioned in some accounts of the discovery of DNA. Your textbook presents a short essay about the discovery of the structure of DNA (p. 149-150); read it and speculate why she might be less well known than Watson and Crick. Why was she not awarded a Nobel Prize in 1962 with Watson and Crick?

QUESTION 4: Totally Optional: Comments on the exam?

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses click the SUBMIT button. You will receive a "THANK YOU" page as a confirmation that your response has been sent to me.
