JiTT: Faculty Feedback Form
Instructor Name*:
Date Feedback is recorded:  (ex. 1999)
Number of semesters using JiTT:
Current JiTT-based course(s) teaching--
Course level:  (ex. Physics 218) Class size:
Past JiTT-based course(s) taught--
Course level:  (ex. Physics 218) Class size:
Where did you learn about JiTT?

     The following are 9 questions regarding Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT). The purpose of this feedback form is to identify what instructors of JiTT-based courses feel are the advantages and disadvantages of such courses and also to help establish recommendations for future modifications of JiTT courses. The focus throughout the feedback form should be the ability of JiTT to enhance teaching and learning, particularly with respect to facilitating active learning and interactivity among students and faculty. Please provide comments on each question and the respective probes as you see fit. Your name will not be attached to any information contained in your feedback form for confidentiality. Upon completion of this feedback form, please return it either via e-mail to ssieggre@iupui.edu or by campus mail to the IUPUI Testing Center (UN 003H, attention: Sarah Sieggreen).

Q1: What specific Web-based resources for JiTT do you use in your course(s)?
Good Fors
Bulletin Board
Q2: From your perspective, what do you think is the most helpful aspect of the JiTT course that you teach/ have taught? (What aspects of the classroom activities and/or the Web resources do you like best? (Specifically WarmUps, Puzzles, Good Fors, Bulletin Boards, etc.)
Q3: What specific examples can you give of how JiTT (e.g., WarmUps, Puzzles, Good Fors, Bulletin Board, e-mail, etc.) has helped you?
Q4: What do you think is particularly effective regarding the instruction you give/ have given in your JiTT-based course(s)?

Q5: What aspects of the Web resources do your students report are least helpful?
Q6: Is the use of the Web helpful for students in achieving the goals and objectives of your course(s)? If yes, please explain.
Q7: Compared to other classes you have taught that did not use Web resources as part of course instruction, do you feel as if you offered more opportunities for student learning and interaction (i.e., interaction among students and/or with the instructor) because of the Web component?
Q8: In what way(s) could the JiTT-based courses in your department be improved?
List up to three ways, indicating which one is the most important.
Q9: Do you have any other comments you'd like to make that have not been covered?
* Do not associate my name with responses included in the report.