Just-in-Time Teaching Workshop
PKAL Summer Institute 2001

Authoring and Distributing JiTT Materials: Templates and Resources

Template for emailed submissions

Templates for WarmUps and submissions handled at your institution:

Templates for single section WarmUps/preflights (student submissions sent to and retrieved from a single file on the server):

Templates for double section WarmUps/preflights (student submissions sent to and retrieved from just two files on the server):

Templates for multi-section WarmUps/preflights (student submissions sent to and retrieved from multiple files on the server):

Templates for WarmUps handled at your institution and submissions handled elsewhere:

Templates for single section WarmUps/preflights with submissions saved at IUPUI:

Templates for single section WarmUps/preflights with submissions saved at USAFA:

Preflights via the USAFA (Physics) Preflight Editor

Preflights via the Doane College Preflight Maker

JiTT implementation and in-class questioning via the "BeyondQuestion" software developed by Bill Junkin (Erskine College) and colleagues.