The Future


"I especially enjoyed and received additional insight on problems along with various ways to approach solutions to them from the recitation portion of the course."

"152 & 251 have made me reach more than any courses I have taken."

Of all the courses I have taken, P251 being one of the more difficult, this was by far the most enjoyable!

"The use of the Web to expand our understanding of the material stands out as well as the recitation format."

"I like to go home and talk to people about things that I 'discover' in Good For, and with the demands of cirriculum being what they are, 'real life' doesn't get presented as class material often enough. "

"The way this course was run was excellent."

"I hated physics at first but after [this class] I have learned to appreciate what physics is used for."

"This course was very well structured. It was obvious that a lot of time was spent in preparation for it."

"If it were not for the group work, I would not have survived this course."

"This was the hardest course I've taken yet, but also the most fun.... The setup of the course was very conducive to learning."

"Don't tell anyone, but I think I will greatly miss my Physics class."