Puzzle solutions are due by 8:00 AM on Monday of each week. Don't forget that answers must be accompanied by valid reasoning. Just like the tests, the answer alone isn't enough!
Each week, the first student to submit a correct answer will recieve the fashionable Phys 152 T-shirt.
Previous winners get a "virtual t-shirt." No shirt, but a chance to win a prize with actual value at the end of the semester (often a book, or maybe software).
Please enter your solution in the text area at the bottom of this page. DON'T FORGET TO GIVE YOUR NAME!


A football player kicks the ball and the ball follows the high trajectory in the picture. He kicks the ball again and the ball follows the low trajectory.

Can you tell from this information which ball was in the air for a longer time? Give your reasoning. If more information is needed, what information would you need?

Don't forget to include your name to get the credit!!

Type your answer into the box and click the submit button.
The time and date of your entry will be recorded.

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