Just-in-Time Teaching
Ball State University October 23, 2003

JiTT Sample Materials

Contemporary Biology JiTT Materials (Kathy Marrs, IUPUI)

Complete Archive of JiTT Biology Materials (WarmUps, Good Fors)

Archive of WarmUp questions with links to selected student responses to those questions

Scoring rubric and WarmUp analysis examples:

WarmUp Background and Motivation Info

Experiences in Elementary Science Education (Fran Wald, NYU)

WarmUp archive (11 WarmUps) with links to undergraduate and graduate student responses

Page posted specifically for PKAL workshop

Geology JiTT Materials (Jim Brophy, Indiana University)

WarmUps and Responses

Lesson 1 WarmUp Student Responses
Lesson 6 WarmUp Student Responses

Organic Chemistry (Colleen Fried, Hiram)



Student Satisfaction Survey (Hardcopy of student responses available.)

Course Descriptions, Background info, JiTT implementation details

Natural Science Education (Barbara Liedl, Central College)


Topic 2: Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism Student Responses
Topic 6: Earth Science Student Responses
Topic 7: Ecosystems Student Responses
Topic 8: Organisms Student Responses
Topic 10: Genetics Student Responses

Note: Student responses used in class are italicized in the "Student Responses" documents.

Psychological Statistics JiTT Materials (Jim Benedict, James Madison University)

WarmUps ("PCQs") and Responses (from the 35 Spring 2001 students)

PCQ2 Student Responses
PCQ8 Student Responses

Note: Student responses used in class are underlined in the "Student Responses" documents.

Course and WarmUp ("PCQ") Background and Motivation Info

Physics JiTT Materials (Andy Gavrin, IUPUI; Gregor Novak, USAFA; Evelyn Patterson, USAFA)

WarmUps and Sample Responses

Rotation WarmUp Sample Student Responses
Optics WarmUp Sample Student Responses

Archive of example Preflights (WarmUps) for first semester intro physics (Note: The "JiTT in Physics" Session [VII] will make use of Preflight #19 in this archive.)
Archive of example Preflights (WarmUps) for second semester intro physics

"What is Physics Good For?" Essays

"GoodFor" Essays for first semester intro physics at USAFA
"GoodFor" Essays for second semester intro physics at USAFA

Full JiTT sites

The IUPUI IntroPhysics Site

Upper Division JiTT Materials

Junior Level Classical Mechanics at USAFA
Senior Level Statistical Mechanics at USAFA

More JiTT sites to browse

WebScience at IUPUI