Just-in-Time Teaching
Ball State University Dept. of Physics October 23, 2003


Please type your name:             Please type a nickname (for privacy):  

This homework is similar to pre-class activities used in many JiTT courses.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to see the answers others have provided thus far, click the RETRIEVE button at the very bottom of this page. Please do not do this until after you have completed this activity yourself.

NOTE: If you are uncomfortable having others read your responses and attribute them to you, feel free to use a pen name for this assignment.


What do you think the phrase "Just-in-Time Teaching" means?


List the three factors that you believe are most important to students' success in college.


What do you do to elicit student-teacher dialog in class? Do these work as well as you hope?


In each row below, select the word from columns 2-5 that is the best synonym for the word in column 1.
No dictionaries please!

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Accommodation Suggestion Location Relationship Adjustment
Salient Truthful Prominent Similar Related
Palliate Moderate Heal Replace Increase
Cohesiveness Similarity Heaviness Cooperation Unity
Collateral Unnecessary Concomitant Extraneous Excessive
Immanent Dissimilar Inherent Important Huge
Nadir Apex Enemy Chieftain Low point
Recondite Innumerable Apologetic Concealed Insufferable
Intrinsic Actual Harmful Internal Implicit
Legate Teacher Emissary Judge Counselor
Ostensible Bony Actual Showy Apparent
Predicate Affirm Follow Replace Precede

Below is a space for your comments and concerns about the workshop, teaching and learning, or anything else.

Please click the "SUBMIT" button.