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Photo Gallery

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Magnetic Domain Images
Hysteresis in an amorphous alloy.
Red indicates positive magnetization, green indicates negative. The small, relatively immobile domains are pinned by stress fields inducuced during fabrication.
Each of the images is approximately 980 microns wide.
Recorded bits on a hard disk medium
This test pattern has 180,000 flux changes/inch (bit widt=140 nanometers). The track width is 2.5 microns.
Higher magnification view of recorded bits
Note the presence of "bit percolation", a particularly clear example exists between the third and fourth bits from the right, near the bottom of the frame.
A cross-tie wall in granular Fe-SiO2.
This is an unusual type of domain wall, a kind of cross between a Neel wall and a Bloch wall that only occurs in a narrow range of film thicknesses. The wall consists of an alternating series of hyperbolic and elliptical singularities. The full width of the image is 4.57 microns.
Stripe domains in granular Co65Ag35
Higher magnification view of the stripe domains
Computer generated images
Vacuum Chamber
Computer rendering from the CAD drawings of the main chamber for my sputtering system.
Conventional and Digital Photography
Comet Hyakutake
Seen from my backyard, 3/26/96
10 sec. at f/2.8 ASA 1000 90 mm lens

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