Which of the labeled points are equilibrium positions?

Click on the image to check.

The script in the header contains the function called by clicks on the image.

The image is associated with a client side map.


function check(p) {


Defining client side image map.

<MAP NAME="coaster">
<AREA NAME="A" COORDS="115,40,125,60" HREF="javascript:check('A')">
<AREA NAME="B" COORDS="170,10,190,30" HREF="javascript:check('B')">
<AREA NAME="C" COORDS="230,70,250,90" HREF="javascript:check('C')">
<AREA NAME="D" COORDS="230,105,250,120" HREF="javascript:check('D')">
<AREA NAME="E" COORDS="350,25,365,45" HREF="javascript:check('E')">
<AREA NAME="F" COORDS="150,75,165,95" HREF="javascript:check('F')">
<IMG SRC="gifs/coaster.gif" border=0 USEMAP="#coaster">